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My vision with MCCAFFREY CUSTOMS is to eventually start a full fledge non-profit Makerspace. That way a full community can have the resources to begin creating, designing, and MAKING! This space allows the professionals to novice to learn and let their creativity flourish!

If you want to contribute we greatly appreciate it!

Sign Production

What is a Makerspace?

Libraries were built because written knowledge was so expensive and as a community determined that everyone should have the right to learn. Makerspaces to me is a modern take on the old-fashion library where other than books there's tools, software, computers, technology, and professional knowledge.

Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes and are typically a reflection of the community needs but what all have in common is that it's a place anyone can come to share ideas, work on projects and come closer together as a community. 

Why a Makerspace?

A Makerspace provides a wide range of tools, supplies, software, and knowledge that are typically out of the price range or space for an individual.

It provides a safe and clean environment to bring out your best self and engage with a wide range of professionals, artist, entrepreneurs, and novice. 

Bring your ideas to life! 


What Stuff Will It Have?

Great question!

Currently the plan is to have Laser Cutter, 3D Printers, T-Shirt printing, Wood Working Station, Art Studio for Painting, Ceramics, and of course a computer section with all of the software needed! 

But... that's just the beginning! This is a community driven endeavor so as interest grows and items are needed we'll make sure to expand the space as needed!  

What if I'm a Novice?

We all were novice at one point so we encourage people to come and learn and be apart of the action! 
For most of the tools in the Makerspace we'll require training which we provide prior to you using it. This is just for the safety of our community and tools.


We'll also have kids training and events to get them in the action all year long!  

Kids in Preschool
Paper Craft

Professional, Entrepreneur, or Artist? 

We're always looking to grow the community by providing the resources, software, and knowledge that the pros use! We will also be looking to provide top-notch classes, workshops, and camps and we believe the best people to head them are the people who do it and passionate about their field or hobby!


Please reach out if you're interested in heading workshops or training sessions in anything from coding to wood working or patent resources to small business!   

Still Interested?

I appreciate you reading this far and I'm excited that you're interested in a Makerspace for the community! 

There's many ways to support this effort in order to bring a Makerspace in the community. 

1) By allowing me to complete your custom order a portion of the proceeds will go towards making this vision a reality. 


2) The biggest impact one can make is by providing a straight donation towards this effort. With each donation we do provide a custom gift as a thank you! 

3) We understand if you can't provide monetarily but your voice and support will help too! We'd love it if you subscribe as a message that you want to be apart of the action and further news!  

High Fives
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